The IACUC was established due to the growing demand by UMPSA researchers to perform research involving experimental animals. The use of experimental animals is still considered relevant despite recent advances in cell culturing and in silico models. UMPSA recognizes the importance of having high ethical standards in the use of experimental animals, with emphasis on care and responsibility, as guided by existing internationally-accepted good practices, guidelines and Malaysian animal welfare laws. The IACUC is responsible for evaluating, approving and monitoring of any experiments involving experimental animals that are conducted in UMPSA so that all stakeholders adhere to these ethical standards. No parties may conduct any animal-based research in UMPSA without the written express approval of IACUC.

IACUC News & Activities

IACUC member attend Workshop on Zebrafish as a research model at Zebrafish Lab Satellite Animal Facility Animal Experimental Unit Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 18th November 2024
Contact us
The Secretariat, Insitutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Malaysia.
- Email all inquiries to: En. Saiful Azahari Bin Sallehuddin,